The choice of abrasive blasting cabinet needs to made based on the type of blasting being done including the media type and frequency of blasting. The primary benefit of a blasting cabinet versus a portable system is the containment of the media allowing for re-cylcing. Many re-usable blast media are abrasive and demand a durable cabinet construction and heavy duty fittings and nozzles.
A cabinet constructed of continuously welded 14 gauge or thicker steel will provide long-term wear with most blast media. Adding optional rubber mats (if available) to the inside of the cabinet will further increase the lifetime of the cabinet. Accessories such as heavyweight gloves and long-lasting tungsten carbide nozzles are also worth the additional expense. A nice addition is an underlayment on the inside of the window to prevent etching of the glass and keep operating costs to a minimum.
The selection of a siphon/suction or pressure cabinet will be described in another post. This decision will impact overall operational efficiency and performance. The blasting cabinets offered by Trinity Tool Company (Trinco) are excellent examples of the proper construction for long term durability and high value.