There are a number of strategies that can be used to increase the abrasiveness of both barrel and vibratory tumbling operations. These can be used when a boost to more aggressive surface finishing. deburring or edge rounding is needed.
- Increase the rpm (barrel tumbler) or the amplitude (vibratory tumbler).
- Use a denser/heavier media (i.e., switch from Synthetic Media to Ceramic Media).
- Switch to a more aggressive bond/formulation of tumbling media.
- Reduce the amount of water and/or compound in the process.
- Add an abrasive such as Aluminum Oxide Grit or similar (best with a barrel tumbler).
- Adjust the load level for a more aggressive tumbling action.
Identifying the critical issues with your part will determine which strategy(ies) are best to employ. Of course, all these strategies work just as well in reverse to decrease the abrasiveness.
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