The two basic types of abrasive blast cabinets are suction (or siphon) systems and direct pressure systems. While both types provide reasonable performance and high value, certain processes and applications will be better served with one type or the other.
Suction Blast Cabinets
This type of blast system contains an air jet in the blast gun that passes high velocity air over a media pick-up hose creating a siphon or suction effect. The media is pulled up through the hose and propelled out of the gun to the surface to be blasted. This is commonly used for light production applications and for general purpose cleanup and touch-up work. Suction systems are relatively inexpensive systems to purchase and operate.
Direct Pressure Blast Cabinets
A pressurized blast pot is used to force media out of the nozzle towards the target. The pressurized air pushes the abrasive at faster velocities than suction systems. Many processes can be completed 30-50% faster with a direct pressure blaster. Due to the higher flow rate (and
more force), pressure blasting offers the additional advantage of allowing for lower blast pressures ideal for delicate and sensitive surfaces.