The far left in the picture shows a laser-cut, stainless steel part with sharp edges and heavy burrs. The goal is to clean up the edges and leave a smooth, polished surface finish. The part will need to be deburred and then polished. This will be a two-step process as an abrasive process like deburring will typically leave a smooth but matte surface finish.
In this situation, the part was first vibratory tumbled with a moderately aggressive Ceramic Media to remove the burrs and discoloration. This process took a couple of hours to result in the smooth, rounded edges and tumbled, matte surface finish shown in the middle part.
The second step used a polishing Precision Ceramic Media to improve the surface finish and brighten the part. The part on the far right have a smooth, polished look after about 2 hours in the tumbler with the polishing media. Overall, a good result without any hand deburring and polishing or manual labor.