Phenolic canvas is a composite material consisting of layers of fabric fibers that is impregnated with a phenolic resin. This type of material has high tensile, flexural, and compressive strength. It is ideal for insulators, gears, wear resistant parts, and where dimensional stability is important.
When phenolic canvas parts are cut, there are fibers on the edges that need to be removed. Unlike deburring a metal or plastic part where burrs can more easily be abraded away, removing these fibers is much more difficult. Additionally, it is important to not discolor the part and to keep it as clean and bright as possible.
Tumbling with traditional performed tumbling media in a wet process is not viable. An abrasive, dry tumbling process is the only way to clean the edges on these parts and keep the part clean. This part was barrel tumbled for about 12 hours in the Pegco™ W-36 Coarse Premium Treated Tumbling Media.