Bead Blasting Aluminum: This blog will look at how glass bead blasting impacts metal parts in major ways. This gentle yet powerful cleaning method is sometimes underestimated. However, it is a unique method for renewing and revitalizing aluminum parts. This series will explain how glass bead blasting can produce a considerable transformation. It has the potential to turn old and rusted materials into visually appealing aluminum items. We will discuss the technique, benefits, and vital tips to help you achieve the greatest outcomes with glass bead blasting. It makes no difference if you’re a first-time DIYer or an experienced professional. These successful procedures will result in significant improvements in the appearance and strength of aluminum products.

Machined aluminum parts end up with lines, swirls, and etching on the surface of the aluminum. To prevent these surface imperfections from translating through a coating or anodizing, the surface needs to be made uniform. If a polished surface is ultimately required, abrasive blasting the surface with Glass Bead will produce a smooth finish.
The machine aluminum part (Before picture) was blasted with Fine (#13) Glass Bead to remove the machine lines and produce a highly uniform, matte surface finish (After picture). This parts was ultimately clear coated to produce a clean, bright finish. Different size of Glass Bead will each produce a unique surface finish on aluminum. As the Bead size increases, the surface finish will become more a peened finish and also brighter.
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