Remanufactured Media
In combination with our Media Recycling Program (MRP), we can offer Remanufactured Aluminum Oxide Grit, Steel Grit, and Steel Shot. All these products are sourced from companies using only new media.
All of the remanufactured abrasive medias are thoroughly cleaned by an open flame and air washed. All are graded to industry standards and packaged as needed.
Steel Grit
The Remanufactured Steel Grit is sourced and recycled exclusively from cast steel shot used in either a wheel blasting process or air blasting system. After cleaning, the Remanufactured Steel Grit is graded to SAE J444 standards. You can find more information here.
Steel Shot
Remanufactured Steel Shot is similarly obtained from virgin cast steel shot that has been blasted either with pneumatic powered or wheel powered blast systems. Cleaned using a multi-step process the round steel shot particles are sized to SAE J444 specifications. You cand find more information here.
Aluminum Oxide Grit
Recycled Aluminum Oxide Grit (BFA) is claimed from pneumatic blasting operations once it no longer meets the original size or contamination specifications. After multiple cleaning steps including scalping, air washing, heat treating, magnetic separation, the Remanufactured Aluminum Oxide Grit is tested to confirm ANSI B74 size, bulk density, and magnetic content specifications. You cand find more information here.